Work team

Teams are a special feature only for the clinic site, as it enables you to add or delete a member of the team to appear on the main page of the site.

To add a member, whether a doctor, nurse, or others, all you have to do is click on the title of the work team, and the editing page will appear for you containing the field for adding the name, then uploading the image, then add, and the team members who have been added will also appear to you.

As for the deletion, as soon as you click on the red deletion icon located on the top right of each member, a dialog window will appear for you to confirm or cancel the deletion process if it was by mistake.


Viewing services is a private feature that is shared only between the doctor's website and the clinic, and it appears on the home page to display the addresses of all services that are provided.

To add a service, click on the services title in the side frame, and the modification page will appear for you, containing one field for the service title. Fill it in, then click on Add, and on the same page, a table will appear for you containing all the services that have been added.

As for the deletion, as soon as you click on the deletion icon next to each service, a dialog window will appear for you to confirm or cancel the deletion process if it was by mistake.


As for the feature of adding pictures, it is specific to each of the clinic’s website, the restaurant, the hotel, and it is designed to display the services in the form of pictures on the home page. As for adding or deleting a picture, you only have to click on the picture gallery title in the side frame, then follow the same previous method for the team the job.

    Work team

213 772 057 037

213 562 029 343

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